Personal Limitations for Sacred Medicines
Sacraments: Personal Facilitation and Limitations for ONAC Members
Updated December 2023
The Oklevueha Native American Church membership card states that a member in good standing “is qualified to carry, possess (in amounts appropriate for individual consumption) and/or use Native American Sacraments…” Those sacraments are identified, and cultivation guidelines specified on our Notice page for members and law enforcement personnel. The QR code on the back of your membership card directs them to the Notice page on the website.
The following is information every member of ONAC should be familiar with, as these limitations will keep you safe.
The purpose of sacred ceremonies is to get you connected with a recognized ONAC medicine person who can assist you in the process of healing and empowering your life and your health. They cannot do that if you are not with them in the sacred circle. We take very seriously the responsibility of assisting people and making sure each participant is physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe and that the sacred medicines are worked with in a safe way and honorable manner.
When you work with sacred medicines under the guidance of a medicine person at home, this is called Personal Facilitation. Personal facilitation is creating a spiritual, ceremonial space for yourself ONLY, working with a small amount of sacrament/medicine that has been gifted or provided to you from an ONAC medicine person with whom you are working and under their direction and instruction.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If an ONAC medicine person gifts or provides you with sacred medicine to work with for Personal Facilitation and/or micro-dosing, there is specific paperwork that is required for this process. You must follow the protocol of the medicine person and documentation is required.
- Cannabis – 2 ounces; regardless of delivery system (vape, edibles, tinctures, etc.), the total amount of THC cannot be more than 2 ounces.
- Psilocybin – 3 grams.
- Ayahuasca – NO PERSONAL FACILITATION– only to be worked with in ceremony with an ONAC medicine person present.
- Peyote – Peyote is only to be worked with in sacred ceremony with a medicine person. In the case of personal facilitation, it is only to be worked with under the supervision of an ONAC medicine person. If you obtain peyote for personal facilitation there is specific paperwork you must obtain from your ONAC medicine person. Absolutely no extractions or secretions of this medicine: i.e. mescaline.
- San Pedro/Wachuma – San Pedro is only to be worked with in sacred ceremony with a medicine person. In the case of personal facilitation, it is only to be worked with under the supervision of an ONAC medicine person. If you obtain San Pedro for personal facilitation there is specific paperwork you must obtain from your medicine person. Absolutely no extractions or secretions of this medicine: i.e. mescaline.
- Kambo – For ceremonial participation only with a recognized ONAC branch or ONAC medicine person. No personal facilitation.
Members are not allowed to sell, trade, or gift sacred plants and medicines listed as controlled substances by the United States government to anyone, regardless of ONAC membership. Sacrament and medicines are only made available through branches or medicine people who are authorized and recognized by the Mother Church (Oklevueha Native American Church.) This is important because we know where those medicines/sacraments came from, how they were prepared and that they are free of harmful or additional elements that we do not endorse or that may be dangerous to our members.
Many states in the United States have legalized cannabis for medical use, and several have made it completely legal for any purpose. In those states where cannabis is legal, you may follow the laws of your state. However, in states where there are still legal limitations, you must follow our sacrament limitations listed above.
NOTE: During harvest time, a member may have more than 2 oz in their possession, as they have likely grown enough medicine to last until the next harvest.
All medicine over 2 ounces must be put into sealed containers and labeled with the date of harvest and your name and ONAC membership number, and either stored in the freezer or a lockbox with an ONAC sticker on it. These stickers are available for purchase on the Trading Post:
It is vitally important that every member growing cannabis understands that this is sacred medicine and cannot be sold or gifted to anyone within or without Oklevueha. The personal cultivations are for personal sacramental and medicinal use only.
Please note: Simply becoming a member of Oklevueha Native American Church does not make you a recognized Medicine Person, nor does it give you authorization to conduct your own ceremonies under Oklevueha Native American Church.
We are happy to help you get in touch with our recognized ONAC branches who have recognized ONAC Medicine People that are able to conduct ceremonies under ONAC. If you would like to contact us directly, once a member, we can help you get in contact with those recognized branches in good standing at: [email protected]
If you are working with an ONAC medicine person, and they give you more than your personal limitation, you must obtain from them a written letter with the medicine person’s signature, branch, etc. stating that this medicine is given to you by a medicine person for healing purposes.
Requirements and limitations are different for those who are designated as medicine people, branch leaders, or custodians, and have a membership card from ONAC stating their status. Those differences are designated only by Mother Church and not by the members.
ONAC recognizes all indigenous medicines as being effective. However, ONAC does not authorize the facilitation or cultivation of the following medicines unless otherwise approved by Oklevueha Native American Church – Mother Church:
- Iboga/Ibogaine – Ceremonial use only, under the guidance of an ONAC medicine person. Note: At this time, we have ONLY one ONAC branch who is authorized to work with Iboga and they are located in Utah.
- Bufo/Otac/5meo DMT
- Synthesized DMT
- Yopo
- Mimosa (Mimosa pudica) root bark/ Jurema or Yurema (the Mimosa tree may be grown, but no medicine can be extracted from the roots)
- Mambe/Coca Leaves (For an ONAC branch or ONAC medicine person to serve these medicines requires prior approval from ONAC Mother Church)
- Amanita Muscaria
- Tepezcohuite
- Salvia
- Datura
Permission to serve these medicines requires prior approval from Mother Church.
We also recognize the sacred medicines of hapé and sananga, however these are not medicines which can be easily cultivated or prepared. Therefore, be sure to obtain these medicines from an ONAC medicine person or branch, or other reliable sources.
Many of our sacred medicines can be obtained over the internet, however, we strongly caution all members to avoid purchasing from third parties who have not been vetted by ONAC. This could cause legal and health problems for those working with those medicines.
ONAC Mother Church reserves the right to choose which medicines to recognize under Oklevueha Native American Church.
Any questions regarding these policies should be directed to [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.