Recommended Reading
Recommended Readings –
Books That May Change Your Life
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee – Dee Brown
Black Elk Speaks – John G. Neihardt
Neither Wolf Nor Dog, The Wolf at Twilight, and The Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo – Kent Nerburn
The Wisdom of the Native American Indians – Kent Nerburn
Indian Givers – Jack Weatherford
The Female Brain – Dr. Luann Brizendine (suggested by Buffy St. Marie)
The End of War – John Horgan
To Be There, Is Here – Meditations of the Heart – Douglas Dale Fry (ebook)
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions – Richard Erodes
Sweet Medicine – Peter J. Powell
Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Lakota Way: Stories and lessons for living, Native American Wisdom on Ethics and Character. Author: Joseph M Marshall.
Crossing Bok Chitto, written by Tim Tingle (Choctaw) and illustrated by Jeanne Rorex Bridges (Cherokee) 2006
When We Were Alone, written by David Alexander Robertson (Swampy Cree) and illustrated by Julie Flett, 2016
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, written by Sherman Alexie (Spokane-Coeur d’Alene-Choctaw) and illustrated by Ellen Forney, 2007 (there is also a sequel to this)
Birchbark House, by Louise Erdrich (Chippewa), 1999
In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse, written by Joseph Marshall III (Sicangu Lakota/Rosebud Sioux) and illustrated by Jim Yellowhawk (Cheyenne River Lakota Nation) 2015
#NotYourPrincess: Voices of Native American Women, edited by Lisa Charleyboy (Tsilhqot’in) and Mary Beth Leatherdale (2017)
Blue Horses Rush In, by Luci Tapahonso (Navajo), 1997
Beaver Steals Fire: A Salish Coyote Story, written by Johnny Arlee (Salish) and illustrated by Sam Sandoval (Salish/Navajo), 2005
The Blue Raven, a graphic novel written by Richard Van Camp (Tlicho) and illustrated by Steven Keewatin Sanderson (Plains Cree) 2009