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State of Utah Department Human Services Clergy Exemption From Licensing – “Because you are providing this service within the capacity of your ministry and you have likened it to Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) and the LDS Church Monday Home evening programs, then a license from the Department of Human Services is not in order.” 

Ken Stettler ([email protected])

Sent:    Thu 9/17/09 2:42 PM

To:       James WFE Mooney ([email protected])

Cc:       Jeffery Harris ([email protected] ); John Ortiz ([email protected] ); Lj Dustman ([email protected])


James –

Thank you for your reply.  This helps immensely.  Because you are providing this service within the capacity of your ministry and you have likened it to Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) and the LDS Church Monday Home evening programs, then a license from the Department of Human Services is not in order.  My suggestion to you would be to provide your information to the Courts.  Either directly to the Judges you are dealing with on a regular basis, or to the Utah Administrative Office of the Courts at 450 South State in Salt Lake City 84114 (ph. 801-578-3800).  I hope this information is helpful to you.  I wish you success in your endeavors.



Ken Stettler, Director

Office of Licensing

Utah Dept. of Human Services

120 N. 200 W.  #303

Salt Lake City, UT  84103

Ph. 801-538-4242